This FAQ section is designed to address frequently asked questions about the StealthGPT API and provide additional resources to help users get the most out of the service.

  1. Q: What programming languages are supported for integrating with the StealthGPT API? A: The StealthGPT API can be integrated with various programming languages, such as Python, Node.js, Ruby, and more. Check out the Language Support and Examples section for more details and code examples.

  2. Q: Can I use the StealthGPT API for free? A: We do not offer a free trial for the StealthGPT API. Users need to subscribe to a pay-as-you-go plan and purchase token bundles to access the API.

  3. Q: How do I purchase additional tokens? A: To purchase more tokens, please visit your account dashboard or contact our support team for assistance.

  4. Q: Where can I find information about rate limits and pricing? A: You can find information about rate limits and pricing in the Rate Limits and Pricing section of the documentation.

  5. Q: Where can I find information on error handling and troubleshooting? A: Refer to the Error Handling section of the documentation for guidance on handling common errors and troubleshooting potential issues when using the API.

For more information or if you have additional questions, please consult the rest of the documentation or contact our support team.

Last updated