API Authentication

API Authentication

This page will guide you through the process of authenticating your requests to the StealthGPT API using your unique API token. Proper authentication is essential to ensure that only authorized users can access the API and make requests.

Obtaining Your API Token

To get your API token, you need to sign up for an account with StealthGPT and purchase tokens. Visit our registration page and complete the sign-up process. Once your account is created, you'll receive an API token on your homepage. This token serves as your unique identifier and grants you access to the StealthGPT API.

Important: Keep your API token secure and don't share it with anyone. Treat it as you would any sensitive information, such as a password. If you believe your API token has been compromised, contact our support team immediately to request a new token.

Including the API Token in Your Requests

To authenticate your API requests, you need to include the API token in the headers of each request. Use the api-token header field to pass your token, as shown in the examples below:

General Endpoint Example

curl --location 'https://stealthgpt.ai/api/stealthify' \
    --header 'api-token: {API TOKEN}' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "prompt": "<PROMPT>",
        "rephrase": <TRUE/FALSE>,
        "tone": "<TONE>",
        "mode": "<MODE>",
        "business": <TRUE/FALSE>

Replace {API TOKEN} with your actual API token and <PROMPT>, <TRUE/FALSE>, <TONE>, <MODE> with your specific request parameters.

New Undetectable AI SEO Writer Endpoint

curl --request POST \
  --url https://stealthgpt.ai/api/stealthify/articles \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'api-token: {API TOKEN}' \
  --data '{
  "prompt": "tell me something about modern backend architecture"

Replace {API TOKEN} with your actual API token.

Parameter Descriptions for /stealthify/articles Endpoint

  • prompt: The input text or question for which you want the StealthGPT to generate content.

  • withImages: (Optional) A boolean value indicating whether to include images in the generated content. Default is true.

  • size: (Optional) The desired length of the generated article. Can be small, medium, or long. Default is small.

Example of /stealthify/articles Request

curl --location 'https://stealthgpt.ai/api/stealthify/articles' \
    --header 'api-token: your_api_token' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "prompt": "An overview of sustainable energy solutions",
        "withImages": true,
        "size": "medium"

Parameter Descriptions for /stealthify Endpoint

  • prompt: The input text or question for which you want the StealthGPT to generate or rephrase content.

  • rephrase: A boolean value (true or false) indicating whether to rephrase the input text.

  • tone: The desired tone for the generated content (e.g., "formal", "informal").

  • mode: The mode of operation, which could affect how the content is generated.

  • business: A boolean value (true or false) indicating whether the request is for business purposes, affecting the token conversion rate.

Example of /stealthify Request

curl --location 'https://stealthgpt.ai/api/stealthify' \
    --header 'api-token: your_api_token' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
        "prompt": "Generate an introduction for a business meeting",
        "rephrase": false,
        "tone": "formal",
        "mode": "creative",
        "business": true

If you encounter any issues with API authentication or need assistance, please refer to the Error Handling section of the documentation or contact our support team.

Last updated